Hearing aids are a good first step in hearing loss rehabilitation. But hearing aids are not the only step.
If you have hearing aids, auditory training is critical to help you meet your potential.
If you don’t have hearing aids yet, auditory training is just as important.
Auditory training has been described as physical therapy for the ears and the brain.
How many times have you avoided a situation, or not wanted to participate in some social activity, because you thought it would be hard to hear?
I have to admit that this thought entered my head every time I was invited to a social gathering, before I got my cochlear implant. It was only after I got the cochlear implant that I realized how small my world had become. The social situations that I was comfortable in were few and far between.
I can remember having conversations at a really noisy party (before I got my cochlear implant) and walking away feeling boring and invisible—because I could not respond with witty or thoughtful comments. I couldn’t think and listen at the same time, because listening was such hard work.
Because this happened in almost every group conversation that I had, I started to avoid group conversations. And I am not the only one—many people wait years to get hearing aids, and in the meantime, lose confidence in their ability to communicate (Kricos, P. (1997). Audiologic Rehabilitation for the Elderly: A Collaborative Approach. The Hearing Journal, 50 (2), 10-19).
So, when we begin to hear much better (with hearing aids, or in my case, a cochlear implant), we aren’t necessarily keen to try group conversations again—we need a confidence booster.
Boosting confidence is a key element of auditory training.
With auditory training, you will be able to understand conversations in more adverse, noisy listening environments. This can help you to feel more confident when you go to a party and the music is louder than you would like it to be.
Next: I Don’t Wear Hearing Aids, Will Auditory Training Help Me?
Or, if you have hearing aids or will soon get them, Next: The Case for LACE