Find the right step with the right information and skills for where you are now on your hearing journey
Strategies to hear better
Communicating successfully in every stage of your hearing loss journey is possible. Using a variety of approaches to auditory training, lip reading, and communication strategies means you can develop the skills you need for where you are and beyond. You will reap the rewards of being a life long learner.
10 Day Lip Reading Challenge
Develop and practice lipreading skills at your own pace. Each day of the challenge offers a new 10-minute lesson on YouTube that is appropriate for all ability levels.
Date: on demand, self-paced
Length: 10 min x 10 days
Cost: Free
Get Started: 10 Day Lip Reading Challenge

Online hearing strategy classes
Joining an online group class can take your communication skills to the next level. Learn, get practice with a variety of accents and ways of speaking in a fun supportive environment. The classes are structured yet flexible enough to meet you exactly where you are.
1-1 Lipreading Classes
Private online lipreading training sessions on Zoom. You will need a laptop/desktop computer, webcam, and Zoom software.
Length: 1 hour, plus homework
Cost: $90 / session
Get Started: complete the order form

Build it they will come
Assemble your own group for an online class or series of classes! Minimum group size of three people, including you.
Participants: 8 max
Length: 1.5 hours
Cost: $150 / class
Get Started: complete the order form
Circle of support
Gather together a group of family and friends of all ages to provide support both for the person with hearing loss, and for loved ones who are adjusting to changes in the dynamics of communication. Gift to yourself or a person with hearing loss in your life.
Prerequisites: 30 minutes prep work ahead of class
Cost: $180 / class
Length: 1.5 hours
Get Started: complete the order form

Lifetime access to LACE AI auditory training program.
Length: Self-directed. At least 4-6 hours of training, ideally completed over 30 days, is recommended.
Cost: $499
Get started: complete the order form
Other Hearing Strategy Resources
Complement your hearing skill training with additional resources you can learn on your own or share with others.

Growing resource of skill practice and development tools you can return to as needed for your situation.

Free eBook
Practical information for significant others to communicate better with a loved one with hearing loss.

The Chronicles
Lessons learned on the hearing loss journey about how to hear better from a deaf audiologist.