Chronicle of a deaf audiologist

How to find the best hearing aids?

How to find the best hearing aids? I wouldn’t advise asking on Facebook what other people think of brand X or Y. I frequently see this on social media.

I am researching Over-the-Counter hearing aids for a presentation at the symposium for Alberta Association of Hearing Aid Practitioners of Alberta. I am struck by the task ahead of a consumer in selecting an OTC. Even if a consumer wants an OTC, it is still advisable to consult with a hearing care professional first. The array of factors to consider in hearing aid selection is overwhelming. Hearing care professionals are the experts in hearing aid selection!

  • Photo credit:  © Alan Fortune

    Sandra Vandenhoff

    Dr. Sandra Vandenhoff is an audiologist with hearing loss, founder of HEARa, Hearing Rehabilitation teacher, and Canadian author, who does not remember saying on her first day of wearing hearing aids: "Mom, I can hear my shoelaces!"

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