Communication Strategies

From the chronicles

How to Support and Communicate with People who Have Hearing Loss: a Guide for Professionals

I was invited by LearnENT to speak about communication strategies that professionals can use when they interact with clients who have hearing loss. LearnENT has an app that was initially developed by a small group at the University of Ottawa. LearnENT has grown to become a collaborative effort consisting of contributions from medical students, residents […]

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Grandma and granddaughter laughing baking cookies

What is your go-to strategy when you can’t hear?-

What is your go-to strategy when you can’t hear? (See below for commentary after you view the video clip.) As an audiologist who is deaf, I use all of these strategies. Often when I smile and pretend to understand (#1), I am hoping I will figure it out if the person gives me just a […]

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Couple have serious discussion on couch

How do you deal with a spouse who is Hard of Hearing?

While it’s important to advocate for a significant other with hearing loss, be aware that you can over-do it. I have occasionally been on the receiving end of the overdoing. It was embarrassing. But it galvanized me to take responsibility for my own communication needs. In some situations, I might not disclose my hearing loss […]

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When you have hearing loss, it’s important to be persistent

It’s a fact of life—for people with hearing loss, that is—that other people forget. They forget that you have hearing loss, and they forget to communicate in ways that make it easier for you to understand. This even applies to the people that you work and live with on a daily basis. According to psychologist […]

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Dr Sandra Vandenhoff by trees

My biggest challenge with hearing loss

I was born with normal hearing. My hearing loss progressed quickly. When I graduated high school, I had profound hearing loss in both ears (i.e., I am deaf). I struggled for years. I am no longer struggling. It’s been a combination of awesome technology and skill development. I want to share what I know about […]

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Learning How to Read Lips No. 5

Learning how to lipread is all about restricting the possibilities. This is a shared responsibility. Since communication is a two way street, clear communication is ALWAYS a shared responsibility. As a speaker, I can limit the possibilities when the other person is having difficulty understanding. I can say, “I am talking about my career aspirations,” […]

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Two couple singing karaoke

Tip for Communicating with People who have Hearing Loss | Get Attention First

If you have hearing loss, it’s important to ask people to get your attention before speaking. You might not necessarily know that the other person is speaking to you unless they get your attention. If you miss the first few words, that’s valuable information about the topic that you are missing. If they call your […]

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Granddaughter teach grandma smartphone

What to do if someone talks too fast (and you have hearing loss)

When you have hearing loss, non-verbal language can be an important way to signal to others that they are talking too fast. My non-verbal language in this short is not so effective. It does not give the other person any information about what they can do to make things better. It’s only 10 seconds — […]

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Grandma and granddaughter laughing baking cookies

What NOT to do When Speaking to a Person with Hearing Loss (PWHL)

I created a goofy short video, below, to highlight some “don’ts” when speaking to a person with hearing loss. Despite the goofy tone, I am serious about the suggestions. This is especially true about “Never Mind.” It feels dismissive, and it can hurt. A viable alternative to “Never Mind,” suggested by Word Selector, is “It’s […]

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Communication Strategies Need Updating Too!

Every year, I go back to LACE auditory training to refresh my listening skills. Interspersed with the exercises are communication tips, to give a bit of a listening break. A tip that caught my attention this morning: “When going to a movie or play, you can read the reviews in advance to learn about the […]

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